Throughout the year, other holidays need organizing, too!
Brenda shares organizing tricks that won't get you spooked.
Brenda shares how to use Valentines's Day as inspiration to be more organized. This includes how symbols associated with this special day can help everyone be more organized no matter their age
Ideas how to use your extra day this year to organize your life to help make the rest of the year less stressful and more fun.
Spring cleaning with an eye toward being environmentally friendly with items, whether you dispose of the item or recycle it.
Brenda shares ideas to make your local library work more effectively for you. And remember your local library sponsors many different events too.
The traditional gifts are nice but what moms REALY want is a break from all the typical responsibilities of being a mom. The management of the house, cleaning, washing or ironing. Where could you pitch in to take some of these off mom's plate, at least for a day, maybe longer.
Bring some fun and whimsy with your next venture to organize some part of your space by following the outline of the movies to structure your project.
Watch as Brenda shares ideas for organizing your summer tools, contacts and mementos gathered over the summer and a reminder of debt incurred and a suggestion for planning for the Christmas season.
Brenda explains how hockey can inspire you in organizing your space. See what hockey terms can keep you on track with your organizing tasks.
Brenda discusses some easy ideas to help reduce or eliminate the frustration of planning during the Thanksgiving season. This can be used throughout the year when you have other big meals planned. Pay particular attention for the app Brenda recommends to make shopping and other tasks much easier and organized!
Brenda discusses ways to celebrate Halloween with children in a safe and healthy way with ideas for gluten-free and allergy-free treats. And don't forget non-food treats the kids may enjoy too.
Tricks to make organizing a treat. Brenda shares ideas to simplify your life and items disguised as one thing to use for something completely different, again making life easier. We apologize for the technical difficulty which shortened this video.
Organizing is not something to fear or get spooked by. Some of the benefits you might find are comfort in inviting guest into your home, actually avoiding late fees because your bills get paid on time and saving time finding items like car keys so you can be places on time.
Brenda explains how using these five words, who, what, where, why and how can help you stay organized and make your Thanksgiving more enjoyable and less stressful
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